Monday 5 August 2013

10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator review and best price

10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator

10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator description

Best bang for the buck. The Hardy Diesel Mitsubishi powered Diesel generator sets are powered by slow running 1800 RPM water cooled Mitsubishi Diesel engines. We use Mecc-Alte brushless alternators Made in Italy like the Ferrari. Mecc-Alte brushless alternators are the only name brand brushless alternators available in the US that are not made in China. This Hardy Diesel Mitsubishi powered generator line is assembled in the USA.
User reviews for 10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator -

10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator features

  • Made in the USA!
  • Best bang for the buck.
  • Slow running 1800 RPM water cooled.
  • Prime power diesel generators capable of extended run time
  • Automatic shutdown for water temperature & oil pressure with light panel.

10 kW Auto Mitsubishi Powered Diesel Generator best price

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